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Your Letters of Support Mean So Much to Our Caregiver Heroes

Apr 16, 2020
Supporting Caregivers During Coronavirus

Since we started our “Thank our Heroes” campaign, about a week ago, we’ve begun getting some wonderful letters from family members of our residents.

We believe that it is so important during these times to take extra care of those who are caring for our residents. These individuals are true heroes, lovingly tending to the needs of our residents, many of whom, due to their conditions, are struggling to comprehend what is going on around them. This isn’t an easy time, but it is one we are getting through together. And letters of support help enormously.

Below are just a few of the letters our amazing caregivers are receiving.



And, at Grace Point Place, we received some letters too big for the box!

There is a saying that adversity reveals character. The challenges brought on by this virus have revealed the heroic character of so many individuals in healthcare. If you speak with a caregiver, be sure to express your own gratitude for the loving and patient care they are providing. These are true heroes and they will carry the knowledge of their contributions with them in the years to come.

If you would like to send a letter to one of our Anthem Memory Care communities, you can either mail it to the community or place it in the collection drop box in front of each community entrance.

Thank you! Your words of support make a huge difference!
