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Anthem Memory Care Blog

July 18, 2016

Your Promise to “Take Care Of”: Overcoming Guilt

If you ask a lawyer to define what it means to “take care of” someone, you would get an answer like “to make sure that someone’s needs are met”. Makes sense. But when we speak those words lovingly to an elderly mom or dad, the phrase becomes so much more than three words. It digs […]

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July 10, 2016

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Groups: Your Lifeline

If you are caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia and have been asking yourself lately “What do I do now?” or “How can I do on?” you are by no means alone. You are a normal, caring person shouldering an enormous responsibility. But you can’t tackle this by yourself. Consider joining a […]

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June 27, 2016

Memory Care – When Is It Time?

When you are providing in-home care for a mom or dad or other loved one, there comes a point when you realize that he or she needs a level and type of memory care you are no longer able to provide. You may not talk about it, but the nagging feeling doesn’t go away. For […]

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