For many of us, fall’s cooling temperatures brings with it a renewed concern over COVID-19. For one thing, experts tell us that the COVID lives longer and travels further in cooler, dryer temperatures. We also know that colder weather draws people indoors. And, COVID likes small enclosed indoor areas as well. What COVID doesn’t like, however, are masks, social distance and anti-viral cleaning products. Taking the time to understand the likes and dislikes of COVID helps all of us to stay as safe as possible while still enjoying the change in weather.
If you have a loved one with dementia, you are probably experiencing an added layer of concern for their physical and cognitive health. Of course, you want to make sure that you are doing everything possible to them safe from COVID and limiting any activities that might put them at risk. Here are some tips to keep in mind as our weather cools:
At our Anthem Memory Care communities, we continue to be warriors against COVID by keeping our buildings clean and airflow as open as possible. Our wonderful teams take the wearing of PPE (personal protection equipment) very seriously and have been thoroughly trained to adhere diligently to CDC guidelines.
As of yet, epidemiologists aren’t certain how bad the normal, seasonal flu will be this year, let alone if there will be COVID spikes. Of course, we all eagerly await a vaccine and improved therapeutics to stem the rate of serious infection.
However, in the meantime it is important to stay informed and up to date with all the latest scientific findings and to use all the resources available to keep your loved one safe and healthy.
We do know that COVID-19 will eventually wane and that we will once again be able to enjoy the person to person contact that is so important for all of us. Until then, we will pull together in the months to come and look forward to better days ahead.
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