For those of you who have a parent or other loved one with dementia, the holidays can be stressful as you try to make your festivities as enjoyable and as anxiety free as possible. And, of course, there is always the question of what gifts to give, who should visit and so forth.
This year, of course, the pandemic has changed the rules of engagement. For many families, that means not being able to visit a beloved parent or grandparent. And, yet there are still ways to connect with your loved one that can provide meaning and inspiration to them as well as to your own family.
Here are some ideas to add some joy during this challenging holiday season:
If your mom or dad is in a memory care community, take the time to tune into what they are doing to spread cheer during the holidays. Many, such as our Anthem communities, have organized special holiday events. While you may not be there in person to share them, staying on top of the latest activities and celebrations at the community will help enrich your conversation with your loved one. You can even reinforce these events as something they can look forward to.
We’re all hopeful that next year at this time we’ll be celebrating the holidays together in more traditional ways, with family and friends close to us. Truly the pandemic will end and there will be better days ahead.
Until then, focus on making the holidays as special as possible for the loved ones in your life. This is a season of faith. Seize upon ways to keep that faith alive.
(The photograph above features a lovely resident of Chelsea Place Memory Care enjoying last year’s holiday festivities.)
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