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Anthem Memory Care is the First Stand-Alone Memory Care Operator to Achieve the WELL Health Safety Rating

Anthem Memory Care
Aug 26, 2022
Anthem Memory Care first stand alone memory care to achieve WELL Health Safety Rating

More so today than ever before, health and safety are on the minds of families of individuals transitioning into a senior care community. And, with good reason, especially in the wake of the pandemic. Families want assurance that the community leadership and all those working within the community are vigilant in adhering to best practices and are consistently striving to achieve a high standard of performance as it relates to the living conditions and safety of their environment.

At Anthem Memory Care, we take the wellbeing of everyone who lives and works within our communities very seriously. Our environments are specifically designed to facilitate the highest standards of health, safety and compassionate care for those we serve.

That is why we are proud to be the first stand-alone memory care network of communities to achieve the WELL Health-Safety Rating from the IWBI (International WELL Building Institute).

The process of applying for this designation is not trivial and requires collaboration and teamwork, along with leaders who not only understand the importance of a healthy environment but embrace the work and dedication it takes to sustain that level of commitment.

As Lewis McCoy, Anthem Memory Care Chief Operating Officer, told McKnight’s Senior Living, “Demonstrating our care and concern for not only residents, families, guests and employees is a critical component of the value proposition of living and working at an Anthem Memory Care community. The WELL Health-Safety rating allows us an opportunity to highlight the policies, processes, systems and tools for maintaining a healthy and safe place for individuals to live and work.”

We invite you to learn more Anthem Memory Care’s dedication to health and safety and about our mission to “protect, engage and love” our residents. Feel free to contact us or reach out to a community near you and experience the difference our amazing team is making in the lives of our residents.

(Our header image shows a resident of Grace Point Place Memory Care in Oak Lawn, Illinois, holding up a special card made by a local elementary school student!)
