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Alzheimer’s Awareness Month: How it Can Benefit You!

Anthem Memory Care
Nov 08, 2018

As you may know, November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. It has been observed since President Ronald Reagan made the designation back in 1983. The purpose is to spread awareness of the devastating disease and to energize and promote research aimed at finding a cure. It’s important to note that, back in 1983 there were less than 2 million individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease. Today, that number is over 5 million. So awareness is more important than ever!

Many of those who have loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease are seeking resources where they can get answers to some of the challenging questions they have. Others are looking for ways to get more involved in the fight against Alzheimer’s.

With that spirit in mind, here are some resources direct from the Alzheimer’s Association to provide help and support as well as opportunities to get more involved in programs that support research towards making a breakthrough in tackling this disease.

  • There are Alzheimer’s Association chapters throughout the U.S. Make sure you are connected locally. Here is the link to Find a chapter closest to you.
  • The Alzheimer’s Association has a free 24/7 Helpline which answers over 300,000 calls annually. It is run by experienced professionals who can provide information as well as referrals.
  • Join the Alzheimer’s Association online community forum where you can share your questions and find answers.
  • Arm yourself with resources. Keeping current on research and other topics related to dementia is important as you face the months ahead. The Alzheimer’s Association houses an extensive library of articles, books and databases. You can access it through their Alzheimer's Association Green-Field Library.

You should also know that our Anthem Memory Care blogs cover a wide range of topics that you will find interesting and useful. Topics include: understanding the signs of Alzheimer’s versus general age related cognitive changes, understanding behavioral issues, such as “sundowning”, keeping a loved one with dementia safe. There are many, many other topics you can browse by scrolling down our home page.

While November is the officially designated month to bring awareness to Alzheimer’s disease, we believe in spreading Alzheimer’s disease awareness every month, as we work together to put an end to this devastating and debilitating disease.

